
A main influence in my art is John Berger but another influence is Allan McCullum.  Like him, but not on his scale, I like to apply the strategies of mass production - see e.g. my works "Brick Books" and "Bauhaus Bricks".  These works and the flower production for Floating English Garden and my new body of work on the theme Children and War  are labour intensive.  I seek help and run workshops to get multiples made.  By involving others in my art production I am questioning the intrinsic value of the unique work of art.  The workshops are immense fun and participants have the satisfaction of being part of art creation.

  • Newpaper Rose and Lilies: For 2 Installation (Children and War)
  • Hessian Roses:  For Floating English Garden
  • Creative Brick Carving: Formed part of "Watching Walls" Exhibition
  • Pet Bricks: ditto
  • Yellow Brick Road: Worked with R.E.A.P. and Muslim Parents: recorded by Radio 4 as part of their "Divided Lives" Documentary about Marsden Heights Community College in Nelson
  • Brick Books: Worked with students at Lancaster University International Study Centre
  • Knitted Brick Covers: For Bauhaus Bricks
  • "Bread" Tunnel Books: Workshops run at Annual Justice & Peace Conference, 2010.  Twenty books created an Installation entitled "Our Daily Bread?" which became an integral part of the Exhibition "Tipping Point?"